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Event Overview and Registration (VIRTUAL EVENT)

2nd methane leadership program

Event information

Start Date :04-03-2024 08:00

End Date :06-03-2024 17:00

Venue :

Organisation : USAID Southeast Asia's Smart Power Program


The ASEAN Energy Sector Methane Leadership Program (MLP) is an 18-month regional initiative focused on driving effective methane emission management in the ASEAN oil and gas industry in support of the Global Methane Pledge 2030 through regional collaboration, technology transfer, networking, knowledge sharing, and capacity building. The USAID Southeast Asia’s Smart Power Program (SPP) designed this masterclass in close collaboration with PETRONAS, ASEAN Council on Petroleum (ASCOPE), ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and partners to the MLP. In this by-invitation only event, courses will be delivered by subject matter experts from the Carbon Limits on behalf of the UNEP training program.