Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (or ’JETP’) places a central focus on peaking and then cutting power sector emissions with the support of public and private finance. To help inform critical considerations in kick-starting the transition away from fossil fuel reliance to clean technologies we have developed an open-source Excel model, ‘JET-FIN’. This tool facilitates an analysis of the key finance needs for a just energy transition in Indonesia’s power sector. It covers different pathways, allowing users to adjust critical parameters and test their influence on potential investment needs over time.
Our analysis uses electricity sector pathways to systematically analyse the key elements of the energy transition in Indonesia that require financing, including:
i) phase-out of coal
ii) clean build-up of new infrastructure
iii) regulatory interventions to facilitate a just transition, and
iv) additional institutional capacity needs.
The main findings are outlined in the report available for download on this webpage, with further details on our approach set out in the accompanying methods document.